Making a title with attributes

Part 2 of 4


We have now successfully created the text we need for the title. Now it is time to do the fun stuff :)
Adding effects.

Step 5 - 8

Adding effects

Make the first text layer (SECURITY) active by clicking on it. Then right click on it and select Effects from the pop up menu. Add these effects:


Colour: Medium gray
2 pixels (the top box of the to measured in pixels)

Bevel &

Style: Inner bevel
Highlight: Difference
Shadow: Colour shading

That will make the image look something like this:

Make the EQUIPMENT layer active as described above, bring up the Effects dialog box an add the following effects to the text:


Colour: Medium gray
1 pixel

Bevel &

Style: Inner bevel
Highlight: Difference
Shadow: Soft light

f everything went well the image should now look something like this:

Now comes the best part: The Safeman's layer. The first thing we will do is to make the text slope up to the right above the S in SECURITY. This is how we do it:
• On the Edit menu choose Reshape (Transform) and the Rotate from the submenu
A box (similar to the one we saw when we slanted text in a previous tutorial) appears around the text, and the mouse cursor changes to a bent double arrow.
• Position the cursor at the handle in the bottom left corner
• Hold down the left mouse button and pull downwards
As you can see the box (and the text) rotates around the center point. Pull downwards until the text is sloped as much as you prefer. To get rid of the box and make the change take effect click on the Move tool (you can actually click on any tool). An alert box pops up asking you if you wish to use (apply), not use or cancel the operation. Click on use (apply). Both the alert box and the box around the text disappears.
Since the Move tool is selected (it is if you clicked on it) we might as well make use of it and adjust the text. The rotation brought the f in Safeman's too close to the S in SECURITY so we need to adjust that. Click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the text to where ever you like (except outside the window). Position the text like this:

NOTE: When moving objects first make sure the right layer is active! If you don't, something other than you intended starts to move.

With the text in position it is now time to spice it up a bit. Make sure the right layer is active (it should be) and select the Text tool.
• Click in the image to bring up the text edit box
• Highlight the initial S (highlighting text in Photoshop is done in the same fashion as in a word processor)
• Set the font size to 75 (you may have to adjust the position of the text so the f doesn't hit the text below)
• Set the base line (bottom box below the font style drop down list box) to -10
• Click OK
If you have done everything right the image should now look something like his:


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