Making a title with attribute

Part 4 of 4


It is time to make the final adjustments to the title. The safe could be made to blend in better with the image, and the Safeman's text needs some spicing up.

Step 12

Adding effects to the safe

OK, let's make the safe blend in with the rest of the image by adding some shadow to it. As with the texts we do this using the layer effects. Right click on the layer with the safe, choose Effects and add these effects:


Colour: Default (black)
0 pixels
Blur: 8 pixels

NOTE: To make it simpler to see which layer contains what you can give the layers specific names by choosing Name layer on the Layer menu

Step 13

Adding effects to the Safeman's text

The last step is to give the Safeman's text its final "face lift". Select the layer and bring up the Effects box (you should know how to do that by now :) ). Shadow is the default effect and it is also being applied as default. Leave it as it is and add these effects in the Bevel & Emboss section:


Inner bevel


Colour shading


Bright light

A slight adjustment to the position seems necessary. Make the Safeman's layer active (it should be already) and with the Move tool move the text up a little bit. That's it!
This is the final result:


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